Clocks and water

A couple of things I think are really cool here are the “vrije uitloop eieren” (free-range eggs) sold at Albert Heijn -- it's kind of like a Dutch Raley's -- and “Echinacea toothpaste.” All large supermarkets in the Netherlands now carry eggs from poultry farms raising birds in open barns or in free-range systems.

The toothpaste is just something I have been using ever since I arrived. I like the stuff a lot, although it's not cheap, and I haven't seen it marketed in The States.

Another thing I have found fascinating are the views from my apartment and flat windows over the last two years. My apartment and flats have always been up high enough to see out over the roof tops. This occasional contemplation has spurred me to write this poem...

Clocks and water déjà vu

I can see the hands of a large clock
in a tower
from my living room in Alkmaar.

I could see the hands of a large clock
in a tower
from my living room in Minden.

I could see the hands of a large clock
in a tower
from my living room in Rochester.

A canal passes silently nearby,
below my living room in Alkmaar.

A river passed silently nearby,
below my living room in Minden.

A river passed silently nearby,
below my living room in Rochester.

What this all means to me,
I know not... again.


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