
Showing posts from July 30, 2006


DAY 1 of "A Journey with the Brethren" I arrived safely here in New Windsor, Maryland on Sunday evening after a 6 1/6 hour flight and a 50 mile drive from Baltimore Washington International Airport. All is going very well, but there is so much happening each day—with scheduled classroom sessions from 8:30a 'til 9:30p, fun field trips to places miles away, impromptu political and cultural chats with my new friends and lots of just plain goofing around —that I haven't been able to get anything (email or Blog updates) out until now. Saturday night, July 29, as I was standing on the sidewalk outside my house waiting for the Super Shuttle to take me to the airport, the neighbor kids across the street were still saying their goodbyes to me. I received many "repeat farewells" like those the kids were giving me from friends and relatives three or four time before I finally left the City of Sacramento, CA at 10:45p. Huston International is an enormous airpor...