
Showing posts from December 4, 2005

Why Iraq WON'T fail

[I'm a journalist, pure and simple; I don't support war nor do I protest it, I learn from those that do and report my experience] There's been lots of talk lately about the U.S. conflict in Iraq being just "another Vietnam." The difference is... we failed with Vietnam War , we won't fail in Iraq. We, the United States , haven't won a war since World War II—a war being defined as a major, long-term military conflict (i.e., Korea and Vietnam). We need to stay out of wars altogether, I think everyone will agree, but if that's not going to be possible, then we sure need to win one... And that's exactly why Iraq WON'T fail. As I mentioned in a previous post, the Downing Street memo , attempting to spreading democracy in the Middle East (if possible) in an effort to fight terrorism presents some possiblity, but has yet to be seen." Since the begining of this invasion (call it what it is), I've spent a lot of time on trying to understand and...