
Showing posts from May 30, 2005

Immigrants' small slice of pie

[My response to street talk that illegal Mexican immigrants are a big drain on our generousity] Mexican immigrant households (legal and illegal) actually make-up a smaller portion of the total welfare hand-outs but have recently been receiving a larger portion of "bad press." Ask the average U.S. citizen what one of the biggest problems being faced today concerning illegal Mexican immigration and you will find "the impact on social welfare programs" near the top of the list, right up there with "terrorist border crossings" and "jobs losses to illegals." Total Number of U.S. households (2004 Census): 111,000,000 U.S. Census Bureau (PDF) : In 2003, the number of households in the United States reached 111 million. Mexican immigrant households (legal and illegal): 5,061,600 Center for Immigration Studies : 15 percent of U.S. native households on a welfare program vs. 25 percent headed by illegal Mexican immigrants. U.S. native households on a welfar...