
Showing posts from October 16, 2005

Do we believe in God or not?

While referencing The CIA World Factbook , you'll find that 90% of our fellow Americans claim to be religious (2002 est.). Then, turning the pages of the Web to , you'll find that only 44% (#11 worldwide, just below #10 Italy at 45%) of adults surveyed claimed that they attend Church services one or more times per week. Curious stats for an area of our lives that's suppose to take top billing on our list of important future events—leaving this world. So what gives? Either the "practice what you preach" rule doesn't apply to today's American religious or over half of our religious citizens are "just saying" they have a religious bent in order to appease their peers, bosses or those omnipresent feelings of impending biblical doom. There could be trouble, if they don't believe. Saying that you are affiliated with a particular church or religious belief certainly has it's advantages in America. Even saying you believe in ...