
Showing posts from May 18, 2006

Strange immigration parallel

Sudan and California, albeit far fetched and worlds apart, may be running a strange immigration parallel? Although over-shadowed by Iraq warring, petty politics and lately the Iranian nuclear threat, the recent news on Sudan has actually been a continuous but muted headline for over three years. As many as 400,000 people have died and two million more have been driven from their homes since 2003 in the western Darfur region. " It's been described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis and threatening to get worse ," Fred De Sam Lazaro—PBS. Sudan's recent crisis dates back to their long-standing, illegal immigration policy and a unforeseen drought. Illegal immigration into Sudan from neighboring impoverished countries was not only ignored but invited as a national tradition, as long as times were good. Then the drought came and the people's attitudes suddenly changed. While I have yet to declare a firm position on immigration, I did find a strange parall...