Not MORE crime; it's LESS!
[I'm tired of hearing "there's more crime than ever," "look at all the crime in our streets" and "crime is totally out of control"] These are usually lazy-thinking responses to our society's other pressing problems, like over population, a desperate attempt to make sense of a troubled world and/or an easy way to blame everything we don't understand on something else. Now, it would be great if we could blame "everything" that's wrong with America on the criminaljust lock them all up and everything would be "rosy" again. We could quit brainstorming why things are so bad and get back to our TV, movies and sports. But that type of thinking just won't fly. If you do a little research, you'll find that not only is the crime rate NOT causing our news-headlined woos, but that the U.S. violent crime rate has been declining for the last 14 years. "Statistics of the past decade show that crime rates in Germany, th...